Hope this week was good for you all. We had a pretty good one here. Maybe not the most memorable or filled with crasy moments. But for the second week in a row now, we´ve been super blessed, and able to get a lot more work done in our area then we typically can. Things are looking up here in Campo Grande, and hopefully that can continue on in the coming weeks. For the first time in a while, it looks like we may actually have some investigators in church. Good stuff.
Last Saturday went well. We were able to meet a referral that President gave to us. He used to teach President Guarani, and the missionaries used to talk to him. But he never ended up getting baptized. But recently his wife just had a baby, they are going through rough times, and it looks like they are more prepared to accept the gospel. So thats cool. We´ll see how that goes. After that we got to go to Presidents house for the last super of the year. It was fantastic. The Hermana and her daughter spent basically the whole day just cooking for us. It was awesome. After which we got to watch the video that we made for all the missionaries with some pictures of all of them in it. That was fun. Maybe I´ll try shrinking it down and sending it to you.
Last Sunday on the other hand was a little bit funny. Church was at the typical time of 8AM, but unlike usual, there had been a LOT of partying going on the night before. So there basically weren´t any youth there at all, and that left the missionaries in charge of the sacrament. And I had to conduct like I do every week. And there was nobody there and prepared to teach Priesthood.... lol. But we managed, and it was actually one of the best weeks we´ve had in church for a while now.
After that.... I don´t know. Like I said, there wasn´t tons of crasy things that happened... But we did get to teach a lot of lessons. Were able to find an investigator or two that we haven´t been able to make contact with for a while. And I think I like it better that way. So thats been really nice. I´ve been able to have some really good study time too. I finally got my own copy of the conference Ensign and so I´ve been reading in that a bunch. Also I´ve been reading in El Libro de Mormon every day and have been loving that. Good stuff.
I guess there were some stranger moments though. We showed up at one part member families house justamente at the same time that there dog was having eye surgery. In the front yard. On a box. By some of the neighbors. Super professionally done. haha. Recently the dog had had babies, then got sick, then had flies lay eggs in its eye. One thing lead to another, somebody told the owner to put diesel in its eye, and I´m sure that helped.... lol. Anyways, by the time we had gotten there, there was nothing left of its eye, and half of its face was filled with maggots. And so we watched as the guy pulled out the maggots one at a time with a big pair of tweezers. It was pretty cool, not gonna lie. I think in the normal world it would have just been easier to put it to sleep, but the ¨vets¨ probably wanted to make more money, and so they went ahead and did the ridiculous surgery. That same night, Elder Thomson saw somebody that he thought we knew about a block away. It was dark, but he shouted and asked her where she was going, when she´d be back home. And then found out that it was somebody he had never talked to before. haha. I think she was probably a little freaked out. Thats alright though. Because I got it worse this week. I was at the place to pay the light bills, explaining my situation to this lady at the till, and out of nowhere, she just really loudly says ¨Ahh!! You have SUPER pretty eyes!!!! Hehehe!¨ Gosh. I just said nothing for a second, made a confused face, and then continued asking my question. hahaha. Sometimes people are ridiculous with the missionaries. Makes things more exciting though I guess. lol.
Worked hard in the office this week. Lots of errands to be run. Bills to be payed. People who need food. lol. There was a little problem last week that meant that the rent money for the houses didn´t get put on peoples cards until wednesday. Thus Monday and Tuesday my phone was ringing off the hook as almost every companionship in the mission called to ask or advise me that their card wasn´t working, or that I had made a mistake or that for some reason, they just couldn´t get the rent money off of their card. Ugh. The office does a great job of teaching you how to be patient. haha
Wow. I´m already out of ideas. Today we ate at a place called Paulistas. Its a Brazilian place near the office. I´ve only been there twice before since it costs a whopping $17 a person, which is almost enough to feed small Paraguayan family for a week. And it typically takes a huge chunk out of the money you have for the month. But today was Elder Thornton´s last day here in the office, so we went out and got a treat. Its SUPER good. People just walk around and bring you all sorts of cooked meat. Its all you can eat. There´s a guy that makes you personal salads, and another one that makes personal pasta dishes. All sorts of dessert. Legit. I´ll make sure that me and dad eat there in the time we have si o si. Afterwards we played some more indoor baseball and such. Now we just have to finish our emails, buy a little food and call it a day. Well, kinda. Then we´ll be out to work. Get people ready for church tomorrow. We were going to make some t-shirts, but looks like that will have to wait.
Glad you had a great week. Sounds like fun. Road trippin, and just hitting up the province sounds like a blast. Glad you made all of your trips safely. Hope you said Hi to everyone for me. My condolences to the Courts and Olsens, and hope sister Cooper is feeling better. Hope you all have a fun semester. Weird to think that there´s like one more semester and half the summer and I´ll be back. I don´t know how I feel about that. lol. Things are doing great here and are really looking up in our area. I´m really enjoying my time as a missionary and I love learning, coming closer to Christ and inviting others to do the same each and every day. Miss you lots, but staying as focused and diligent as possible. I know that this is the Lords work and that there is nothing more important than this. Always representing Christ in all things that we do, and helping everybody, whether they are family, friends or any other person to come unto him is one of the most rewarding things that we can do. I love this work, I love you all, and I hope that you all have a great week. Talk to ya next week!
Elder Humphreys
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