Monday, January 24, 2011

Cool and Cloudy

 Diego and Family - Yes, Diego looks like another scary dude. But like Daniel, he´s actually super cool in person. The beard and lack of smile just kinda throw you off a bit. lol
 Us and Diego
 Me and Diego
We made German Pancakes lol
Another week has flown by! Its been a great one. Sorry if my thoughts are all kinda disorganized. I didn´t really plan this email all that well. lol
Anyways. Changes were this week. Me and Elder Call stayed together which I was really thankful for. We get along well and work hard, and the areas cool and so I´m glad that nothing really changed. So we´re just working hard as usual. Getting lots done. Having a good time, and seeing more success with each coming week.
This week has been the best week of weather since I´ve been in this country. Its awesome. Its been really cool and cloudy and I´ve even got to use the covers when I´ve been sleeping a couple times. Its been the first time we´ve turned the fans off since I´ve gotten here. We´ve been loving not being soaked all the time and I haven´t had to worry about wearing sunscreen like I usually do. All I can say is that we´ve been really grateful.
Monday was cool. We had a good old P-day waiting to hear about changes. That evening we had a family home evening with the Serafini family, the one with the 3 daughters that are going to get baptized. We watched the Restoration movie and it brought most of them to tears. That was really cool. On the way home from that I also saw my first Tarantula on the street (thankfully dead). Now I´m scared to death. Elder Call´s been making up stories about them ever since. Fortunately our house is built in a way and place that I shouldn´t have any sneaking up on us in the night. But still. I´m going to scream like a little girl the first time we see one run past us. Don´t forget to remember me in your prayers! haha
Random note about Paraguay. Foods that we think of as staples back at home are actually kinda hard to find here. For instance cheese. Its annoying. Same with taco seasoning. So we´ve been working on being creative with our meal ideas here, but every missionary recipie book that we´ve seen is basically useless because we´re missing lots of basic ingredients. All in all we´ve been eating lots of pancakes, hashbrowns, eggs, cereal etc. But yeah.
Just with everything going on... Whats Toby going to be up to all the time now? Poor guy. Fun that you all got to go sleding and driving around. We´ll have to do that one time when I get back. Dad, I´m thinking you should just keep checkin out those cars. And not let Marissa drive the Civic hahaha. Just kidding. But really. Maybe you can upgrade when I get home. I´d happily take the car off your hands so you´d be back down to 2 vehicles. But whatever. Thats a long ways away. Nice that you get so many meals though! We get basically none here. At the same time, I haven´t gotten sick all change so maybe its a good thing. lol
What else was cool this week... Oh, So not only has Diego changed a lot and gotten more interested in church, but now he´s becoming a stellar missionary and everything. He went out with us to work the other day, and then this Sunday him and Araceli went and invited one of their friends to church all on their own. They invited us over to talk about church and stuff with the friend, but then instead of us teaching basically anything, they did it all by themselves. They´re getting excited to share the gospel with their friends, so thats super cool. We´ll see if anything comes from it. The only bad thing was that there was a youth trip kinda like EFY that all the youth in the district went on, but Diego didn´t go because he thought 3 days was a long time to be away from home. Try 2 years! lol. ´Hopefully he can get over that...
Found a couple new people this week that look promising. One guy has a really big testimony of the Book of Mormon and everything, but he just didn´t get baptized before becuase he had to work every sunday. Well now he´s free, and so we´re going to see if we can help him stop drinking and then maybe he could get baptized too. Its been great. We´ve seen lots of blessings this week and I think we´re improving with each coming week.
Dang it. I need to be better at keeping track of fun stuff to talk about. Oh. Another part of FHE that was fun was that after we brought the Serefini´s to tears with the movie, we played some ¨Don´t eat Pete¨ which brought me back to the good old days of FHE. I think they enjoyed it.
Ugh. Sorry. I think thats the best of the week. Things are going great here. We´re working hard and seeing some success. I love being a missionary. Miss you all, can´t wait to see you all again, but loving serving the Lord. I´m praying for all of you. Hope things go well with exams, work etc. Love you tonnes!
Elder Humphreys

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