Saturday, October 29, 2011

La Oficina - Semana 8

Y Bueno. Hows everybody? Did ya all have a good week? Things went surprisingly well here. Had a couple new investigators, had some sick lessons, and there weren't all that many problems here in the office. So I don't have any complaints. And should hopefully have a little more to say than last week.... lol.
We had a really good week. As far as numbers of lessons and investigators and such goes, we've had one of the most successful weeks since I've gotten here. So that was nice. Especially because it was looking kinda sketchy to start off the week - didn't really have very many investigators, didn't really have any good solid plans set up. Weren't really sure what we would end up doing. But in the end, the Lord was looking out for us and blessed us a lot. We found more new investigators this week than in the last 4 weeks combined. And they all seem like pretty cool people, so I'm excited for that. Something that I've really been liking about our companionship is that we've been trying really hard to teach to the needs of the people, and not just teach lessons. Thats something that we've always tried to do in every companionship that I've been in since the get go, but something that we're really doing a lot better now. Before, it was try and find their need, and then teach the lesson that applies most to that need, using a pamphlet that talks about the lesson, and trying to apply it to them. Now, we don't even concentrate too much on the set lessons at all. Obviously the people still need to hear the doctrine, and our lessons usually flow a lot better if we follow the general outline of the lesson plans. But rather than just getting to know people, pulling out a pamphlet and just teaching from that, we've really been trying to listen to the spirit, and start out with exactly the thing that they need at this time. Tell them how the gospel will help them. How these things or a particular scripture really applies to them. It ends in more unconventional lessons, but lessons that really seem to be helping them to open up, understand why they need these things, and why they want to change or keep listening to us. And I think thats why we had more success this week. So that was really cool to see this week. For instance, in one lesson, we didn't even have a chance to really talk at all about any of the doctrine. But that was because we spent most of the time listening to her needs, seeing how important families are to her, explaining how the gospel will bless her and her family and the like. In the end, she invited herself to church and is really excited to go. She loved hearing about how the classes work, and how every one of them (whether they're the adult, teenager, or small child), will have a chance to learn in a class according to their age level, ability to understand, and needs. It really wasn't how most lessons go, but seems as though it was EXACTLY what she needed at that time. And now we have somebody new to work with and teach. Good stuff.

We also had a super awesome experience with our long term investigator Gabriela. She is the 14 year old girl that we met a couple weeks after I showed up here in the office. At first she showed soooo much potential. She has read all of first and second Nephi. She prays consistently to know the truth. She always accepts a baptismal invitation. She came to church the very first Sunday after we met her. But then problems started showing up. First, her dad didn't support her at all. Then, her mom stopped supporting her. Neither of them want her to go to church or get baptized. And they won't talk with us either. They aren't hostile or anything, but they just aren't supportive of her at all. Well, that lead to her being confused about what she should do, what she really wanted, and what is the truth. We tried to help her see that she already new that these things are true, and always encouraged her to continue to read and pray for an answer. Well, her parents weren't changing, she hasn't been to church in over a month now because they won't let her. Things were looking pretty gloomy. So when we went to visit her this week, we were kinda going in with the intention of really making a decision of whether she was going to progress or not, and if need be, stop visiting for a time so as to not waste our time visiting somebody who isn't going to progress any more. Well, in the end we were kinda blown away by what happened in the lesson, and it definitely helped us to make up our mind. The lesson was pretty normal at first. Just verifying if she's been reading, praying, the like. Nothing too out of the ordinary. Anyways, I was just looking at her Book of Mormon and looking at some of the scriptures that she's marked. Some pretty awesome ones for sure. My favorite being Alma 30:41-44, though I didn't really realize the significance of it until later. Then I found a note that was written on a piece of paper stuck in the front. Well... I didn't want to be nosy or anything, but I'm not going to lie... I was kinda curious. haha. So while my companions were talking, I tried to read it as sneakily as I could. Well.... I got caught. lol. But fortunately that meant that I was able to hear in her own words what the note was all about. I was kind of embarrassed to have gotten caught, but it was totally worth it. She told us how she had been reading in 2 Nephi 31 where it talks about Christs baptism. She said that when she read that part, she really felt something just hit her. She KNEW that it was true. She received a strong and direct answer that let her know that these things were true. And thats what her note talked about. Thanking Heavenly Father for giving her an answer and helping her to know the truth. SUPER awesome. The only sad part being the second paragraph of her note. Where she talked about feeling guilty for having received an answer, and yet feeling like there is no way possible to follow it. So thats where we were able to step in and do our part. We shared 1 Nephi 3:7, and even though its sometimes overused a lot of times, just because it applies to so many situations, I think it really applied to her needs at the time. We talked about how the Lord will help her to find a way to accomplish what he has commanded. We talked about what she can do and what we can do to help her and her parents so that she can follow through with the answer that she has received. AWESOME. One of the coolest experiences that I've had in a while. A lot of times people receive answers by feeling the the things are good. That the Book of Mormon is true, and they feel good when they go to church. And sometimes this is a good enough answer for them. And sometimes thats how the spirit helps us to know whats true. But sometimes when thats the only answer that you've received, when the trials come along, its hard to stay strong. Thats why this situation is so awesome. She knows its true. She knows that the spirit has helped her to know that. And she knows what she has to do. So even though from here on out the road won't necessarily be the easiest, I really think that she'll be able to make the right choices because she can't deny what she's felt and learned. Super awesome. The church is true.
Had another interesting talk with somebody this week. A little bit sadder though. It was just a contact with some guy late at night. Turns out that he is an atheist and was SUPER confused about who God and Jesus Christ are and just didn't have any faith in them or in anything else really. The reason it sticks out to me was just because it was kind of how I imagined missionary work to be like before the mission. Nobody really knows what its like until they actually participate in it. But that was kind of how I had imagined it before. Here, people usually just make up dumb excuses not to listen to you. "I'm really busy right now", "How about another day", "Sorry, I'm Catholic" or my favourite "My mom says that she isn't home (or she says she's sleeping or something else ridiculous like that)". lol. We get it all the time. Or there are a lot of people that let you in to talk, but don't listen. Or aren't interested. Or don't want to change at all. Thats kind of the culture here and what we deal with day to day. Most people have a belief in Jesus Christ, but they don't REALLY know anything about him. They say they believe something, but they aren't really sure about it and don't even know what the bible says. That kinda thing. So it was interesting to actually talk to somebody that has spent time thinking and pondering over religion, but has at some point lost all testimony of everything true. Sad for sure. We tried our best, and he just shut us down. Hopefully in the future he'll come around....
We also taught a whole lesson in Guarani the other day. This is the last area that I thought I'd ever have that happen to me in, but it happened. lol. Fortunately my companions have acually practiced a descent amount each, and so they did the talking. haha. I know a bunch of short phrases and sayings, but thats all. Teaching is WAY out of my reach. So I listened. Guarani is kind of just a huge toss up in this country. It helps you connect with the people. But if you learn it, your Spanish suffers as a result. The church runs in Spanish. We were called to speak Spanish. All of our study materials are in Spanish. But its super deeply ingrained in the culture. Its interesting because the problems go even farther then that. Hardly anybody can read Guarani, not to mention write it. We're the only country that uses it. Lots of problems. So its been kinda sad to not learn much of it myself, but hopefully my Spanish can improve more and I can continue to use that for the rest of my life. In the end though, Mba'eco cheve. lol. Hopefully I'll be able to pick up a little bit more before I leave, just so that me and Elder Patterson can speak in super code when we get home. haha.
Another fun one. One of the new investigators that we met the other day talked to missionaries about 10 years ago. Went to church a bunch of times. Liked what she learned. She said that the only reason she didn't get baptized is because she didn't know that Joseph Smith was a prophet. Well. I'm sure that we can do something about that. She's surprisingly open, and basically invited herself to be baptized. We'll see how that goes. Still don't know her husband or anything. Thats usually the catch here. The dads/husbands like to destroy the progress that we often make with their families. Its sad because dads here aren't usually very good examples. They usually live to drink and they don't really respect their wives or women in general. Usually they're just kinda bums. But you occasionally find a cool one. So we're crossing our fingers on that one.
We ate fake Chinese food again for lunch today. Thats 2 weeks in a row now. Ugh. Today I shook it up a little bit though and got some squid. Hopefully it doesn't make me sick. lol. I got all better from when I was sick the other day, but then Thursday I just randomly started feeling sick again. Not sure whats up with that. Not a big deal though. Most people are basically sick for a good majority of their missions. And after being in the office for a few weeks now, I've seen how many Elders and Hermanas that really are sick, so I'm not complaining. lol
Anyways, going to get the food meant that I've now gotten your letter. Glad to hear that everyones doing well. No worries on writing late - I'm used to it now. :) haha. Congrats to the future Elder Florence. Hope he likes the cold! lol. Not going to lie - I kinda miss it. Its painfully hot and humid today. Not complaining though - We've got AC. SICK. Crasy that Emma's all old and babysittin-ish now. Staying out till all hours of the night. haha. Intense that you're all teaching a bunch of older people how to do fun stuff. We need fun activities like that around here. Fun to think that it'll be Halloween again. Nobody really seems to celebrate that here. I think too many people actually believe in zombies and ghosts for it to really be any fun. haha. How cute. Sounds like we all had a pretty spiritual week. Good to know that a)The spirits all willing to give us a hand, and b) that we're ready enough to hear him when he speaks. Wish I could be there to hear the song. That would be super cool though if you could find somebody that could come and watch on Christmas morning. Sounds like a fun week you got lined up.
Anyways, that was kinda my week. Went really well. The Lord leads this work, and I definitely have come to see his hand in it. I love being a servant of the Lord and doing his work. The church is true. He answers our prayers. Nothing is impossible if it is the will of the Lord. Love you lots and I hope that you all have a great week!
- Elder Humphreys

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